Can be adjusted in-game via vehicleReceiveRemoteTargets, setVehicleReceiveRemoteTargets or in Eden editor vehicle attributes - Electronics & Sensors.with receive capability - receives targets from send-enabled units on the same side the targets will be displayed on Sensor panel - meaning the vehicle has to have the sensor panel in the first place.Can be adjusted in-game via vehicleReportRemoteTargets, setVehicleReportRemoteTargets or in Eden editor vehicle attributes - Electronics & Sensors.with send capability - broadcasts all targets acquired by own sensor suite to everyone on the same side who has a receive capability.Can be adjusted in-game via vehicleReportOwnPosition, setVehicleReportOwnPosition or in Eden editor vehicle attributes - Electronics & Sensors.with send position capability - broadcasts own position to everyone on the same side who has a receive capability.usually with a 180° front hemisphere field-of-view.detect a spot lased by a laser designator or an IR grenade (as a homing beacon).susceptible to environmental conditions (fog, light), in most cases useless at night.often with field-of-view limited to the optics field-of-view.